Balcony and facade renovation
using the Balco method

Does your balcony need some attention? Our climate can put considerable strain on the concrete in open balconies, and residents are often unaware of how this can affect a balcony’s safety and lifespan. So, it’s important to keep to the maintenance plan and make sure it’s renovated on time.
Glazing using the Balco Method is a better alternative to traditional renovation. It’s a cost-effective solution that results in bigger, more attractive balconies that are also climate friendly.

Balcony renovation before Balco

Balco sustainably balcony renovation

Useful facts about open balconies

• The maintenance plan gives details of how often the balconies should be renovated. It’s important to keep to the plan for safety reasons.

• If you’re not sure about the condition of the balcony, you should get a status check carried out on the concrete slab and railings. We’re happy to help with this. Contact us for further information.

• Sometimes it’s obvious where there’s a need for repairs because you can see it, but not always. Look out for any discolouration and cracks in the concrete slab.

The Balco Method – a smarter way

Many housing areas are facing major, extensive renovation projects. It’s not just balconies that need to be renovated, but facades, windows and doors as well. Traditional balcony renovation methods still dominate on most markets, with a lifespan of around 15 years. But there is a sustainable and low-carbon alternative to traditional, short-term renovation. The unique Balco Method is a cost-effective solution with an estimated lifespan of up to 90 years.

Balco is the market leader in open and glazed balcony systems. Contact one of our sellers to get fast, personalized service.

Traditional balcony renovation

Weather, wind, exhaust fumes and other environmental factors mean that an open balcony must be repaired roughly every 15 years. A standard concrete renovation will mean that the balcony will be the same size and have the same design as before.

Balco glazed balcony balconies

The benefits of the Balco Method

Replacing the existing open balconies with new, glazed balcony slabs not only increases the comfort level and user-friendliness – it also minimises future maintenance requirements for balconies, facades, windows and doors.
Glazed balcony systems have an extended lifespan, which has a positive impact on energy consumption and the environment in the long term. Compared with a traditional balcony renovation, the average Balco project gives a positive CO2 footprint equivalent to the planting of one hectare of growing forest.

Glazing the balcony and at the same time creating a bigger balcony is a cost-effective, attractive and climate-friendly alternative to traditional balcony renovation. A glazed balcony generates additional space that can be used in any way you want – outside or inside all year round. It’s an investment that boosts the attractiveness of the home environment and makes it safer, while enhancing the property’s character. Balco’s glazed system is also a climate-friendly investment, as energy costs decrease and the balcony’s lifespan is extended. Glazing can cut heating costs by up to 20 percent, as the air from outside is heated up in the glazed space before entering the apartment.

The Balco Method means the balcony will last without maintenance for 50 years. During the same period, a traditional concrete renovation would need to be carried out at least twice, and more likely three times. And once its over ninety-year lifespan has passed, the material used in Balco’s balcony solution can be recycled. This is another way in which Balco’s product is a significant improvement on a traditional concrete renovation.
Balco’s solution isn’t just the best from a financial perspective and for residents’ personal comfort, it is also the most climate friendly.

The Balco process – how it works


Balco is the market leader in open and glazed balcony systems. Contact one of our sellers to get fast, personalized service.